Take a moment to be in your happy place, your sacred circle, or where you are now.
Side to side, stretching up, and slowly dropping it down, feel the tension melt.
Let breath be your movement; your path to a place of ease and calmness.
Being grateful gives me the momentum to move forward.
How beautiful it is to be like the bee, tasting spring even in the depths of darkness. Here we are in the midpoint between the winter solstice and spring equinox. Outside the ground is frozen stiff, and animal friends curl tightly in their dens, noses tucked into downy bellies. The windowpane is cold to the touch but through it, I see verdant stinging nettles, hopeful crests of vetch, and the green lace of California poppies braving the season. Soon, they too will bloom.
Sylvia Plath
When I think of lemons, my mind leaps to the Mediterranean. Bountiful trees along the Greek island coast, laden with fruit and an intoxicating, come-hither parfum. The thrill I get from plucking the fruit only moments before adding it to a dinner — elevating a mostly humble meal into something nearing perfection.